Trail Angels and Ferry of Bedford Mills
Last weekend we checked out one of the remaining single-track sections of the Rideau Trail that we have left to explore. This short section runs from Bedford Mills to McAndrew Road, and is only a little over 3 km (one way) but as it carves through a beautiful and wild forest it seems longer and is well worth the drive as an excursion. The highlight of the trail is a human-powered ferry, built by some true trail angels, the Rideau Trail Association trail volunteers.

Warm up
First we got a bit lost and did a bonus pre-loop on some fun ATV trails. We even found a trail named after us!
After enjoying what we soon realized was a wrong turn loop, we made it back to the car and started again.
Take Two!
Finding the turn we missed took us right through a nice swamp (which of course the RT sometimes loves to do) before meandering through pine forest and around the edge of a beaver dam deep in the woods. We were anticipating the major highlight of this trail, and finally got to it near the end. A small narrow lake had the coolest way across - a clothesline ferry! Check out the pics and video below.
This section of trail is one of the many we are fortunate to have in our area that only ever see foot traffic, and not much of that even. Because of this, the trails are natural and soft with minimal erosion. Even fragile moss sections are preserved, which always make me feel lucky to be able to enjoy such solitude in unspoiled nature.

The Mill
At the end of our run we explored Bedford Mills and enjoyed the tranquility of this little place close to a major road but definitely from a quieter time in the past.

We finished our outing with a quick splash off in Westport and some dinner at the Tangled Garden Cafe which is always perfect after a run, with large portions of really good food at good prices. I always notice something different coming to Westport, and this time we explored the harbour, found these cool bike tools outside the visitor centre and admired of the prettier post offices around. Even the turtle crossing signs in Westport are works of art!