2024 Snownergie Snowshoe Race - Results

The Snownergie Snowshoe Race was held in beautiful Boischatel, QC on February 3, 2024. This was the 4th race in the Dion Canadian Snowshoe Series.
Multiple races of different disciplines were held at the event with the 10km snowshoe race being a points race for competitors in the Dion Canadian Snowshoe Series. There were also 5km and 14km snowshoe races in addition.
The first runner to cross the finish line in the 10km race was David Savard-Gagnon in a time of 35:11. Julien Pinsonneault finished second in a time of 36:11, followed by Ludovic Pouliot rounding out the podium finishes in 36:42 for third place.
Magalie Lessard finished first in the women’s race in a time of 47:51. M Tremblay was second in 49:47, followed by Hélene Cournoyer in third in 59:59.
Congratulations to Sebastian Lachance and his team of dedicated volunteers for putting on this amazing event!
A special thanks goes to series sponsors Dion Snowshoes, Spafford Health and Adventure, XACT Nutrition, in addition to all of the local sponsors, and with support from Snowshoe Canada.
Thank you, and congratulations, to all who took part and supported this event!
The next race in the Dion Canadian Snowshoe series is the Dion Summerstown Forest Snowshoe Race to be held on February 10th near Cornwall, ON. Registration is still available!